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Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing to book your time away at Marsh Farm. We want you to kick back, relax and enjoy your stay here as much as possible. There are a few things that you will need to know in advance, however, so here's the inevitable small print...! 


By making a booking either via the website, a third party website, or over the phone, you are entering a legal agreement with               C. Ainsworth and L. Ainsworth of Marsh Farm Glamping, Marsh Farm, Pitney, Somerset, TA10 9AN.

The price quoted is for a stay in our shepherd hut, Flittermouse, and/or any other services that you make at the time of booking or before or during your stay. The price of accommodation includes bed linen and towels for up to two people as well as tea, coffee, hot chocolate, salt, pepper, milk and marshmallows upon arrival. Prices quoted at the time of booking will be honoured, however, we reserve the right to alter prices at any time.


Please note - there is a maximum occupancy of 2 persons, both of whom must be over 18 years of age.

We regret that we cannot accommodate either pets or children.


Upon booking a non-refundable 25% deposit is required with the remainder due no later than 30 days prior to the start of your holiday. Bookings made less than 30 days prior to the start of your holiday must be paid in full at the time of booking. Any booking is considered provisional until payment of the deposit (or full payment) has been paid and payment has cleared. Until then the booking may be cancelled at any time. Once a booking is confirmed and due payment made, then this is considered the establishment of a legal contract between yourself and C. Ainsworth and L. Ainsworth of Marsh Farm Glamping.  Please note that reminders for payment are not sent out, so do ensure that full payment is made in due time to avoid disappointment due to cancellation.


By making a booking you are confirming that you, and any other member of the party, are over 18 years of age, that you are authorised to do so on behalf of any other party member, and that both members of the party agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Please note a 'party' may consist of a maximum of two persons.


Bookings will be confirmed by email, at which time further information including detailed directions to the accommodation will be sent out. 



We strongly recommend that you take out holiday cancellation insurance to insure against any costs that you may incur from cancellation.

The 25% deposit taken at the time of booking is non-refundable.

If a booking is cancelled more than 30 days prior to the start of the booking and payment has been made in full, a 25% cancellation fee will be applied.

If a booking is cancelled less than 30 days prior to the start of the holiday, a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the value of the stay may be applied dependent on the amount of time left before the start of the booking.


If for any reason your stay is cancelled by ourselves due to extenuating circumstances, or circumstances beyond our control, we will offer a full refund or, if preferred, a credit against a future stay. We cannot be held responsible for any failure on your behalf to comply with any of our booking terms and conditions that may lead to us cancelling or curtailing your stay.


We reserve the right to deny access to the accommodation if guests turn up with pets or children, as it has been expressly stated that we can not accommodate either. We also reserve the right to refuse entry, or to ask any guest and their accompanying party member to leave the hut without refund if, in our opinion, their behaviour is unacceptable. 



Check-in is no earlier than 3pm on the day of arrival. Instructions for check-in will be sent out by email once a booking has been confirmed. Check-out is no later than 10am. Parking is at the entrance to the field. There is space for one standard vehicle only and this is left at the owner's risk.  

Please be aware that Marsh Lane, leading to Marsh Farm, is used by dog walkers, young families and elderly neighbours as well as farm vehicles - please drive carefully at all times. 




The use of the log burner must only be undertaken if you already have experience and know how to operate it, or if you have previously read the instructions provided in the welcome pack located inside the hut. Do not under any circumstances leave anything resting against or on top of the log burner. Only the wood provided may be used in the log burner, no other fuels or oxidants may be used.


It is the guests' responsibility to ensure that no combustible materials are within range of ignition from the log burner or BBQ/firepit either by direct or conducted heat.


Do not use water to put out the log burner.


Please do not leave any fire unattended (this includes the BBQ/fire-pit) and ensure all fires are safely extinguished before vacating the property. If it is necessary to dispose of ash from the log burner or BBQ/firepit, this must be dampened first and disposed of safely, as shown at check-in.


Tea lights and candles are expressly forbidden inside or outside the hut. 

Chinese lanterns or the equivalent are expressly forbidden - please note that these pose a substantial fire hazard and a significant risk to both our livestock and resident wildlife.



We always check the hut thoroughly before every stay to ensure that no items listed on the inventory are broken or missing. If you notice anything broken or damaged upon your arrival, please report this to us as soon as possible. Damages and breakages must be paid for, and we reserve the right to levy additional fees during or after the stay if appropriate.  Normal wear and tear of items is to be expected. 



Please do not tamper with any of the settings on the boiler inside the hut, or attempt to tamper with the gas bottles as this may affect yours, and future guests' stays.

Do not touch the solar panels or tamper with the solar batteries or charge controller.



We hope that you would treat the hut the same way you would treat your own home, leaving it in the same state of cleanliness that you found it. Please remove any rubbish or recycling to the bins provided at the rear of the hut upon leaving. We reserve the right to charge a cleaning fee if the hut is left in an unacceptable condition.


If any of your activities or any damage to the hut renders it unfit for future guests, we reserve the right to charge the full cost of lost rental fees.



All hampers and BBQ Boxes are prepared in a kitchen where multiple allergens are present. If you have any allergies, ordering a hamper or BBQ Box is at your own risk. If a listed item is not available we will substitute it with the closest alternative.



If you book a trio of hens for your stay, please note that eggs are not guaranteed. Instructions on how to care for your hens will be included in the welcome pack inside the hut. We will provide all food, treats, bedding and gloves/tools if they require cleaning out. It is the guests' responsibility to ensure the hens are fed and have fresh water available at all times. All hens must be locked in the coop at night due to the risk of predation from foxes or badgers. Please do not feed them anything other than that provided for them by us.



If you book a Feed The Sheep experience, we will provide the feed trough and a suitable amount of feed. Please do not feed the sheep anything other than the specialist nuts provided by us. If the the sheep are not in the meadow surrounding the hut, then feeding will take place in the paddocks next to the farm house, at a time that we will arrange with you. We strongly advise that you wash your hands thoroughly after every livestock encounter.



Use of the outside bath is at your own risk. Please note that water from the hot tap may be very hot - check the temperature before getting in. Do not lean on the taps or use them to pull yourself up from the bath. 



Please do not attempt to chase or feed the sheep or lambs. Feeding them anything that has been inside a kitchen is illegal, and anything not included in their normal diet may cause them harm.

Please ensure all gates are kept closed at all times to avoid sheep escaping from the property or into the area surrounding the hut.



Please stick to the mown paths. We cut the grass for hay and cannot do so if it has been trampled or damaged.

All areas outside of the field that the hut is situated in are strictly private.

Please do not climb the trees or break off branches for the fire-pit or log burner.



Smoking and vaping is expressly forbidden inside the hut and we reserve the right to charge a cleaning fee if we believe that this has not been adhered to. You may also be asked, politely, to leave.

Please do not take any glassware outside. Due to the nature of the stones surrounding the hut, broken glass is very difficult to fully remove and poses a hazard for all present and future guests.

You are responsible for the safe-keeping of your luggage, personal possessions and vehicle whilst staying at Marsh Farm at all times. C. Ainsworth and L. Ainsworth of Marsh Farm Glamping accept no responsibility for any of your personal effects.

C. Ainsworth and L. Ainsworth of Marsh Farm Glamping accept no liability for injury occurred anywhere on site or in the hut - please be aware that you are staying on a working smallholding with sheep that have access to the field directly surrounding the hut. Access to the hut is on foot through a field where the land may be uneven or rutted in places. 


Whilst we will always endeavour to provide all of the facilities, utilities and services promoted on our website and fulfil all of our duties, we are not liable to pay any refund should any of these fail.

If you or any member of your party have mobility issues or particular needs,  we would advise calling in advance of booking to discuss suitability of the accommodation.



Please make us aware of any issues immediately, so that we can deal with them promptly. 


Thank you! 






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